Charlotte Metro Democratic Socialists of America (CLTMDSA) is committed to creating a space that is welcoming and inclusive to members of all genders, races, and classes. As comrades working together to build a better world, we must ensure that every chapter member and guest is able to organize without fear of harassment, abuse, or harm. CLTMDSA follows the National DSA Harassment Policy (also known as Resolution 33), which was passed in 2017 at the DSA National Convention. This policy outlines specific steps in handling disputes to make sure all grievances are handled confidentially and efficiently. We have provided a brief overview of the policy below, but you can read the full Resolution 33 here. Likewise, CLTMDSA follows the National DSA Meeting Code of Conduct (adopted nationally in April 2020) that outlines the expectations for all those who participate in DSA to ensure we are providing a welcoming and inclusive environment for all.

Who are your Grievance Officers?

If you need to file a grievance or have questions about the process, please contact us at

Overview of the Grievance Policy

As mentioned above, CLTMDSA follows Resolution 33, which was adopted by National DSA in 2017. Here is a general overview of what happens when a grievance is filed.

  1. A written grievance is submitted to the chapter Grievance Officers (GOs). All grievances will be handled on a case-by-case basis by the GO(s) and Steering Committee. There is no time limit requiring the accuser to file a report within any amount of time after the alleged harassment has occurred.

  2. A GO will contact the accused party within 7 days of receiving the filed grievance. The GO will request a written response from the accused either affirming or denying the allegations (to be received within 7 days - if the accused does not meet this deadline, the Steering Committee then becomes involved). 

  3. If the accused denies the substance of the report, the GO overseeing the dispute will have the option to investigate further by bringing in other chapter members as needed and/or by requesting additional documentation from parties directly involved, with the utmost respect for the confidentiality of the parties, within a time period not to exceed 10 days.

  4. The GO(s) will determine whether the report is credible, present their findings to the Steering Committee with a written report and, if necessary, make a recommendation for disciplinary action. This should happen as soon as practicable, but ultimately within 30 days of the report being filed.

  5. If the grievance is found to be credible, a formal discussion between the accused and the Steering Committee will take place to develop a plan to change the harassing behavior(s). Penalties may include:

    • Suspension from committee meetings and other chapter or organizational events;

    • Removal from chapter committee(s);

    • Removal from DSA; and

    • Any and all other relief deemed necessary and just by the chapter or national leadership.

  6. The action taken will be determined by, among other things:

    • The request of the accuser;

    • The severity of the offense;

    • The response of the accused; and

    • The accused’s relevant behavioral histories.

  7. Either party may appeal the decisions of the Steering Committee by filling out an appellate form created by the accuser’s reporting channel. Appeals must be filed within 30 days of receiving a written notice of the Steering Committee’s decision.

  8. If any party to the complaint believes there has been retaliation behavior, they may inform the GO(s). Retaliatory behaviors include threats, intimidation, reprisals, and/or adverse actions related to organizing. The GO(s) will then determine whether to factor the retaliation into the original complaint, or treat it as an individual incident.

  9. Chapter GOs will report annually to National DSA about grievances made during the year and what steps were taken to resolve the issue.