George Floyd Protest Statement & Resources

A statement from Charlotte Metro DSA:

Over the past few days there have been many local events circulating on social media to protest the murder of George Floyd at the hands of the Minneapolis Police Department. Nationally and locally there is concern that some of these have been created by bad-actors – or at least disorganized actors that place our most vulnerable groups in danger. Many people in Charlotte are looking to us to help discern which protests are legitimate. We have compiled the following information to share with the Charlotte community. This information best reflects our knowledge of local events at this time. We would also like to issue general guidance for anyone interested in joining a protest and information on the events of Friday, May 29th.

Right now we should protest the murder of George Floyd and fight for the abolition of the police state. Capitalism is killing and exploiting workers right now. It always has, and the police state props this up. We must listen to black communities and their leaders for direction with these protests.

Local Protest Information

 It Ends Now: Marching in Unity for Racial Justice

Hosted by It Ends Now Charlotte

Sunday, May 31st | 1:00 PM | First Ward Park

It Ends Now is comprised of local community leaders and clergy people. The organizers are, and have historically been, active in Charlotte and the surrounding areas. They are taking precautions to ensure social distancing and protester safety. We have talked to the organizers, and they are people we trust. While this is affiliated with local Christian groups, people of all faiths and backgrounds are welcome to attend.

Please be aware that police will be present at this event, including plainclothes officers.

They are asking attendees to do the following:

  • Wear white

  • Make a sign

  • Wear a mask

  • Bring water & walking shoes

  • Social-distance at the park and while marching

They have stated that kids are welcome. However, we advise against this due to reactive and aggressive actions of Charlotte Police at the protest on Friday night. We believe the protest will remain peaceful, but we want to ensure the safety of children especially.

They have created a Facebook event where they are providing updates and answering questions. Their willingness to engage with community members online and with transparency further strengthens our trust in them.


 T.H.U.G.L.I.F.E. Protest

Hosted by Mahagony Rose and Mariah Davis

Sunday, May 31st | 1:00 PM | Romare Barden Park

The protest has been organized by local college students who have stated that they connected online. While we are less familiar with these organizers, they have demonstrated a willingness to communicate online and have been transparent with their identities and in their planning. It is also being supported by the Southeast Asian Coalition, a local and active social justice group. Organizers are taking precautions by requesting volunteers to help make the event run smoothly and are requiring attendees to wear masks. We therefore feel a certain measure of confidence in recommending people to attend this protest. 

They have also created a Facebook event where they are providing updates and answering questions. 


Protest Guidelines

  • Only attend protests when they are organized by people who are local and active in the community! Above all, keep each other safe, even if it is organized locally.

  • Wear a mask - to prevent the spread of COVID-19 and protect your identity.

  • Go with people you know and use the buddy system.

  • Familiarize yourself with the area - plan parking and meetup spots in advance.

  • Dress in comfortable and non-restrictive clothing. Wear close-toed shoes. Wear non-identifiable, nondescript clothing. Match other protesters if you know what to wear in advance. 

  • Cover tattoos and other identifiable features.

  • Bring a backpack: pack water and snacks.

  • Be cautious about bringing and using your phone. 

  • At the very least, turn off location data and turn off Face ID and Fingerprint ID. Police cannot force you to enter a passcode into your phone.Consider using encrypted messaging apps like Signal to communicate.

  • Be cautious of taking photos of those around you. Blur faces before posting to ANY social media including Instagram or Snapchat stories. 

Statement on the Event of Friday, May 29th 

This protest was organized by an extremely reckless group, who while believing they have the best interests of the working class in their hearts, appear truly indifferent to the suffering they face. The organizing of the protest on Friday night is proof of this. There was very little leadership. The only leaders present were using the anger of the moment to incite violence and provoke police, for which they had planned no protection or backup plan to protect the most vulnerable of this community. We saw no riot medics, no marshals, no organization whatsoever. Charlotte Uprising sprung into action to secure bail for the protesters who were arrested during this protest to limit contact with the police and COVID-19. Charlotte’s jails are filthy, and limiting people’s time in these jails is essential. 

This protest was brought to an already vulnerable community with a heavy police presence. We critique these protests because of the negligence it shows towards the community in Beatties Ford that is already suffering. This however does not undermine the anger, and mourning felt in these communities. Charlotte’s black and brown communities have long been over-policed and underfunded. Because of this, we must look to the direction of these communities and their leaders, especially when we are putting people at risk.

Bail Funds

Charlotte Uprising has organized a bail fund for protesters. You can donate via the following apps:

Cash App: $WereStillHere
Venmo: @ResistanceisBeautiful
Alternate Venmo: @communityjustice

If you would like to donate to the bail fund for protesters in Minneapolis you can do so here:

06:54 PM Edit: We have just learned that the Minnesota Freedom Fund does not have a Venmo account. Please only donate through their official website.

07:13 PM Edit: We have learned that the MFF is now asking people to donate to Black Visions instead of the MFF.

We are also linking the GoFundMe created by George Floyd’s family:

Charlotte Metro DSA for Bernie

Today the people of North Carolina, 14 other states, and American Samoa will likely decide the Democratic nominee who will face Trump in the general election in November of 2020. Alongside chapters nationwide, the members of Charlotte Metro DSA have texted and called and knocked on doors in an effort to make sure that person is Senator Bernie Sanders. Since the chapter formally endorsed his candidacy in January , our small group has knocked on 1500 doors - going into neighborhoods every weekend to talk with community members about their struggles and the need for transformative change.

We asked several of our members to reflect on their experience with our local DSA for Bernie campaign, to share what they heard, and discuss why we need to elect Bernie Sanders.

“A woman told us she felt bad about the fact that she had to use her niece's insulin. Her niece was also on dialysis. After her insurance lapsed, she couldn't afford the insulin anymore. I've had several friends that have thousands of dollars worth of medical debt from needing to go to the emergency room, but none of them have needed something so crucial on a daily basis. This is why we need Medicare for All and Sanders is the only candidate truly standing up for it.”


“Back in January we met a man who told us his 19 year old sister had just joined the military. Trump had just assassinated Soleimani and he was terrified that she would be deployed to Iran. He said Bernie is the only candidate he trusts to finally end the wars in the Middle East. Medicare for All and Bernie’s plan to make public colleges and universities tuition free also removes the coercive incentives that force poor kids to enlist just to get access to healthcare and education.

In the heavily gentrifying Belmont neighborhood we met a woman who said all but three families on her street had been pushed out of the neighborhood by new luxury development and rising rents. Charlotte at large also has a massive homelessness problem and an affordable housing shortage of 34,000 units. Bernie’s housing plan includes national rent control standards that would fight gentrification, protect tenants against rising rents, and invest $2.5 trillion into new affordable housing.”


“Only Bernie’s policies address the concerns of the American working class - this was made abundantly clear when I talked to people while canvassing. I talked to someone paying $200+ per month for medication, to someone afraid that their sister would be deployed and would die in another pointless war, to young and old people alike concerned that no one seems to be taking climate change seriously. Bernie is the only one prepared to face these issues, and who is tackling them head-on.”


“I felt encouraged this past weekend during our final canvassing push in the neighborhoods off Beatties Ford Rd. We spoke with several people who were excited and eager to let us know they had already voted for Bernie and others who are planning to do so on Tuesday. We also had some good conversations with undecided folks. After we spoke with with one undecided voter about Bernie's platform and asked what he thought, he responded with, ‘Sounds like a winner to me!’ There was even someone in a car honking, cheering and yelling ‘Bernie!’ at us at one point. Days like that just continue to push against the ‘Bernie Bro’ narrative that some are still trying to use to discredit this movement. Feeling good about Tuesday!”


We are grateful to everyone who has come out to canvass or phone bank with us over the past few months! And special shout out to Dallin, who stepped up to lead our DSA for Bernie Working Group - thank you for all of your hard work!

Statement on Iran

At the January 5, 2020 meeting of the Charlotte Metro Democratic Socialists of America, the following statement was read aloud to members and guests. Members in attendance at the meeting voted to formally adopt this statement.

Oppose the U.S.-led Imperialist Foreign Policy in the Middle East!

Charlotte Metro Democratic Socialists of America (CLTMDSA) emphatically opposes a U.S. war with Iran. In light of the U.S.’s act of war against Iran, putting the two nations close to the brink of war, DSA calls on all members and chapters to mobilize against yet another U.S. war in the Middle East.

On January 2, 2020, the U.S. military assassinated, on Iraqi soil, Iranian General Qassim Suleimani. Such a move is an act of war, and unnecessarily escalates an already tense military situation in Iraq and Iran. In addition to recklessly endangering millions of lives throughout the Middle East, the aggressive military strike of January 2nd violates the War Powers Act, the U.S. Constitution, and international law.

As Democratic Socialists, we reject the jingoism, nationalism, xenophobia, and war profiteering endemic in all capitalist countries who pursue their imperialist policies to the detriment of the working class of all countries. 

The Charlotte Metro chapter of the Democratic Socialists of America calls upon all workers to oppose the aggression of the U.S. government in the Middle East and around the world, and to oppose all attempts to split the working class along national lines.

Workers of the World, Unite!

Charlotte Metro Democratic Socialists of America

“And here let me emphasize the fact — and it cannot be repeated too often — that the working class who fight all the battles, the working class who make the supreme sacrifices, the working class who freely shed their blood and furnish the corpses, have never yet had a voice in either declaring war or making peace. It is the ruling class that invariably does both. They alone declare war and they alone make peace.”

 - Eugene V. Debs, Anti-War Speech given in Canton, Ohio (1918)

“Modern monopolist capitalism on a world-wide scale — imperialist wars are absolutely inevitable under such an economic system, as long as private property in the means of production exists.” 

- V.I. Lenin, Imperialism, The Highest Stage of Capitalism

Charlotte Metro DSA statement: Bernie Sanders Endorsement

At our March 3rd meeting the members of Charlotte Metro DSA engaged in the debate facing all of our fellow 60,000 comrades: whether to affirm the demands of the National Political Committee (NPC) and provide financial and labor support for Bernie Sanders’ presidential campaign, and more broadly, what Bernie Sanders and his bid for president means to the burgeoning and resurgent Socialist movement in the United States.  Naturally, as good Socialists, we held a structured and comradery debate about what our role nationally is in relation to electoral politics and what our capabilities as a chapter are to affect change locally through elections and campaigning.  Our conversation about local needs and capabilities transitioned to why the national debate was happening so early in the 2020 election cycle, and was seemingly predetermined by the NPC, when an opportunity to decide this more democratically and transparently is only months away. 


Regarding the endorsement for Bernie Sanders for President set forth by DSA NPC, Charlotte Metro DSA decided to delay our decision whether to endorse in order to better focus on issues that affect our local communities and allow us to build a broader working class movement in the Charlotte Metro area. We also call on the NPC not to endorse at this time, especially under the current conditions of the endorsement presented.  This endorsement is too important and impactful to be decided by so few individuals and without the transparency necessary for a democratic organization.  Additionally, we are concerned that in its current form the endorsement will pull too much money away from other more necessary DSA-led endeavors to continue to build our movement, particularly by chapters outside of major metropolitan areas.  Due to the lack of horizontal participation and likely cost to Charlotte Metro DSA, we cannot at this time and in good conscience endorse Bernie Sanders for President, and we ask for the NPC to call off its vote for an endorsement and to instead let it be determined at the General Convention this August in Atlanta.  


In Solidarity, CLTMDSA

2018 Year in Review

Hello Charlotte Metro DSA Members,

2018 was our second year in existence, and one that saw a lot of change and action.  Firstly, our charter and bylaws were accepted from DSA National and we transitioned from an organizing committee to an official chapter of the Democratic Socialists of America.  With official chapter status, we were able to hold our first officer elections in November, and now we can start the process to become a non-profit, open a bank account and receive a percentage of our dues back from national’s coffers.  

Last year, we hosted several political education events to increase consciousness around issues important to building working class solidarity and power in our community.  In January we hosted Medicare for All expert, writer and fellow DSA member, Tim Faust, for a rousing speech and Q and A session about Health Care justice. In May we put on a labor week with help from local unions and hosted two events at the IBEW hall.  The first of the events was a panel discussion with local union officers and labor organizers, where the speakers dissected local peculiarities of organizing labor in the South and problems facing unions in Charlotte. To cap off the week we hosted the creators of the documentary “Union Time” about unionization of a Smithfield plant in eastern North Carolina.  

Mutual aid is also an important part of building working class power.  Our chapter hosted 6 brake light clinics last year, because broken or burnt out taillights are one of the most common reasons for traffic stops.  By offering free light changes, we can help folks in marginalized and exploited communities avoid police interaction that can lead to arrest or violence.  We also assisted Charlotte Center for Legal Advocacy in their upkeep and maintenance of their office space so they can continue advocating for their clients. Helping CCLA allows Charlotte Metro DSA to increase local ties and help out a wonderful organization that offers legal assistance to the most vulnerable in our community.   

To continue building an effective chapter, many of our members have gone to regional trainings in Atlanta, Asheville and Knoxville.  We have learned skills to help us organize our membership, develop leadership in the chapter and assess obstacles to change locally. These trainings also led to the creation of the Outreach and Retention Committee to continue these lessons and build a sustainable and effective chapter.  

There are already many plans in motion for 2019, and more to come.  Housing will be our chapter’s focus issue in 2019, and in February we had our first Housing Committee meeting.  In less than 18 months, the RNC will be in our city and we have begun strategizing how to be most effective during the convention.  This year we will also have our first May Day picnic to celebrate International Worker’s Day. There will certainly be more to come!  

Charlotte Metro DSA Opposes all 6 North Carolina Constitutional Amendments



The Charlotte Metro Chapter of the Democratic Socialists of America (CLTMDSA) strongly opposes the six NC constitutional amendments slated for the November 2018 ballot. These amendments are unintelligible jargon, unreadable, and ultimately part of a concentrated GOP power grab to gerrymander and take powers away from other elected officials. We urge others in the Charlotte-Metro region to also vote against all six amendments. Read more about them below.


Amendment 1: Photo ID voting requirement

This will require voters to show photo ID before casting a ballot. Defenders of these laws claim that IDs reduce voter fraud; however considering in-person voter fraud is extremely rare, requiring voters to show identification is more of “a solution in search of a problem.” The reality is that these ID laws prevent many from exercising their right to vote and are discriminatory against the poor, racial minorities, and other vulnerable groups.1


Amendment 2: Create an eight-member bipartisan election board

Under current North Carolina law, the election board consists of nine members – four from the governor’s party, four from the other major party, and one independent – with the governor overseeing the board. This amendment will reduce the nine-member election board down to eight, all of which would be appointed by the general assembly thus taking power away from the governor.2 As the current governor is a Democrat, this amendment is simply a blatant power grab by the Republican- controlled legislature.


Amendment 3: Reduce the state income tax cap from 10% to 7%

As Democratic Socialists, we believe that people should pay their fair share and that if you have more, you should pay more in order to create a society that meets the needs of all. This amendment would cap the income tax at 7%, thus concentrating more wealth for the wealthy while putting more financial burden on lower-income earners and potentially cutting funds from needed services.

From the News & Observer: “A state’s revenue needs can vary unpredictably over time and income tax caps eliminate flexibility. If income taxes can’t be raised to meet needs, a state’s primary alternative is to raise sales taxes (and various usage fees). Sales taxes (and usage fees) impact poor people much more than they impact wealthy people: Poor people must spend most of their income, subjecting most of their income to sales tax, while wealthier people spend a much lower percentage of their income. Moreover, [this specific cap] locks in rates that are lower than recent historical rates and the new flat-rate tax structure shifts more of the income tax burden to lower earners. Other states such as Kansas that have lowered tax rates dramatically have had poor results. We are already seeing hints of the impact in N.C. with a precipitous drop in inflation-adjusted per student spending in public schools.”3

Amendment 4: Establish a merit system for filing judicial vacancies

This amendment is another attempted power grab by the NC GOP and shifts the power of who appoints judges between elections from the governor to the state legislature. Instead of the governor making appointments, anyone in the state may submit recommendations to the general assembly who will then provide the names of two NCGA-selected nominees to the governor. The governor will then have to select from between those two nominees who are not subject to gubernatorial veto. If a vacancy occurs right before an election, the chief justice of the N.C. Supreme Court is then tasked with the appointment instead of the governor.4

Amendment 5: Protect the right to hunt, fish, and harvest wildlife

There is no current threat to these activities in the state, and having this on the ballot is more so an attempt to get the GOP base to show up to the polls. Since the amendment refers to making these “preferred means of managing and controlling wildlife,”5 this also causes ecological concerns in that it could result in reduced protections for wildlife areas and habitats. It also defers hunting and fishing laws to the general assembly, which takes power away from local groups to establish regulations and create or maintain protected wildlife areas. Again, this is nothing more than another attempted power grab by the state legislature.

Amendment 6: Add rights for victims of felony crimes

As Democratic Socialists, we stand for the abolishment of prisons and the carceral state. This particular amendment is dangerous as it could result in even more people in prisons and with harsher sentencing. There are also risks that this could create even more bias against defendants facing trial.

Mark Rabil, law professor at Wake Forest University says, “Obviously everybody agrees victims should have rights, but the way I see the goal of Marsy’s Law is so much more than that................. The bottom line is

they’re giving victims and victims’ families constitutional party status that can override the constitutional rights of a defendant to a fair trial and the right of districts attorneys to pursue cases in ways they perceive to be fair.”6

On top of the fact that the criminal justice system already largely discriminates against vulnerable communities and racial minorities, this amendment is an open door to further exacerbate that discrimination and create even more disparity within our justice system.

CLTMDSA sees these amendments as disingenuous and not in the best interest of the people of North Carolina. Rather these efforts are to increase GOP control, consolidate power for the wealthy, and create more inequality for the most vulnerable in the state. Please join us in voting NO on all six in November.

1    2

3 4 5 6

Charlotte Metro DSA statement on BDS

Charlotte Metro DSA

unequivocally supports Palestinian liberation, unequivocally condemns the ​State of Israel’s ​occupation and colonization of all Arab lands, unequivocally supports the fundamental rights of Arab-Palestinian citizens of Israel to full equality,

unequivocally supports the rights of Palestinian refugees to return to their homes and properties,

unequivocally condemns the Israeli sniper massacre of Palestinian protesters and Israeli bombardments of Gaza,

unequivocally calls for the U.S. embassy to be moved back to Tel Aviv,

and unequivocally endorses the Boycott, Divestment, Sanction movement." from 9/9/18